Rebuild and Renew – Don’t Replace

Manholes, Catch Basins, and Inlets are exposed to overhead traffic, freeze/frost
cycles, road salts and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) attack. Replacement is expensive,
disruptive, and time consuming. These weakened structures can be trenchlessly
renewed by employing various methods to apply various products to the surface,
stopping infiltration, and increasing the life cycle of a collection system

Micro-Silicate Mortars (MSM) are Portland-based concretes embedded with micro-fiberglass rods that combine to provide high compression strengths. Calcium Aluminate Mortars (CAM) are infused with aluminum particles to provide
additional protection against H2S.

100% Solids Epoxy

Epoxies are specially designed and proven to provide chemical resistance to a variety of chemicals while bonding with excellent adhesion to concretes, metals, and fiberglass materials.


A manufactured rock with higher flexural and compressive strength that provides
protection against H2S. The polymers combine to create a cross-linked chain matrix
throughout the lining structure. 

The Solution is Hoerr. 

As part of our holistic approach to pipe rehabilitation, Hoerr Construction offers
manhole rehabilitation services for all your projects. Our highly experienced and
certified personnel combined with the right products provide quick return-to-service solutions that meet today’s infrastructure needs.

Additional Structural
Rehabilitation Solutions:

• Manhole Grouting.
• Bench and Invert
• Spray-Applied Chimney
• Pipe Invert Sealing.
• Step Removal.
• Frame and Cover Grading
/ Replacement.